ACL Injury: How to Bounce Back Stronger Than Ever After Surgery!
5 minutes
Henry Davies
If you've experienced an ACL injury, you know the pain and frustration it can bring. But what if I told you there's a way not to recover, but to come back stronger than before?

Learning how to navigate the road to recovery after an ACL injury is crucial. It allows you to regain your active lifestyle and prevent future setbacks.

Unfortunately, many people struggle to find the right guidance and support. This can lead to prolonged pain and limited mobility… long after they’ve had surgery.

Why People Struggle to Make Progress:

- Fear of reinjury following ACL rehabilitation

- Lack of proper guidance during the rehab process

- Not knowing where to start with their exercises and milestones

- Impatience with the recovery process after surgery

But don't worry – I'm here to tell you how you can overcome these obstacles. With the right plan in place, you can achieve a successful ACL recovery.

Step 1:

Start with proper ACL rehabilitation exercises. Begin by focusing on range of motion exercises to regain flexibility in your knee. Achieving full knee extension and flexion are key milestones early on. Strength exercises such as leg presses and leg extensions will help. They can rebuild muscle strength around the knee. Former ACL client Emily followed this plan. She saw significant improvements in her mobility within weeks.

Step 2:

Avoid returning to activities too soon. One common mistake many people make is rushing back before their knee is 100% healed. A timeline of 9-12 months is typical based on the research (Brinley et al., 2022). Rushing the ACL rehab process can increase the risk of re-injury. This can prolong the recovery process. Take it slow and listen to your body. Remember, patience is key to a successful ACL comeback.

Step 3:

Stay committed to your rehabilitation plan. Each step in your recovery journey contributes to your progress. Visualise yourself returning to sport pain-free and stronger than ever. Being consistent with your exercises will lead to success. This includes improved mobility, reduced pain, and renewed confidence.


In summary, recovering from an ACL injury requires dedication, patience, and proper guidance. Follow these steps and stay committed to your rehabilitation plan. You can overcome these challenges. Your journey to recovery may have setbacks. But with perseverance, you'll emerge stronger than before.

Next Steps:

Watch our free ACL masterclass to discover our 3 step system for getting you back to sport post ACL. 
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Henry Davies
Henry is the founder of Integrate Sports. He is a UKSCA accredited practitioner with over 10 years’ experience working with high performing athletes. He has worked with Olympic medallists and prepared athletes for Tokyo 2020 in his role with the English Institute of Sport. Henry is a Lecturer in Strength and Conditioning at Hartpury University, and the Head of Strength and Conditioning at Hockey Wales.
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