Off Feet Conditioning for Hockey Players
Henry Davies

Whether you’re training in the winter without access to a pitch, or simply need some running alternatives, this is for you.

In this article I am going to outline how you can adapt your conditioning sessions to off feet work, using the same principles from running based fitness training.

Off feet conditioning is non-running based fitness training that aims to increase your aerobic and anaerobic capacity. Ideally, this is completed on a watt bike or assault bike, but can also include equipment such as the ski erg, rowing machine or spin bike.

There are multiple reasons why you might be looking for off feet alternatives to running. You may be recovering from an injury, you may have a lot of running volume at the moment, or you may be unable to access a pitch. What you don’t want is to be stuck, without any other options, potentially risking a loss of fitness.

Normally conditioning work should be running based, using Maximal Aerobic Speed (MAS) (Bellenger et al., 2015) or Anaerobic Speed Reserve (ASR) (Sandford et al., 2021) to individualise your intervals. The reason for this is that the running demands of hockey are so significant, that you need to prepare for them adequately. But we can apply the same principles from MAS and ASR training to off feet conditioning, using assessment to individualise your training whilst keeping you progressing forwards.

The good news is that bike interval conditioning has been found to improve intermittent running performance in elite hockey players (Jones et al., 2015). So there is justification for completing this type of training alongside running based conditioning. The specific adaptations that high intensity interval training (>80% VO2 max) has on the body include increased muscle capilliarisation and mitochondrial density (Stone and Kilding, 2009). This means that you can deliver and utilise more oxygen to run faster for longer!

The process for achieving this is the same as when completing running conditioning sessions. In the following section, I will break down this process to help you create structure for your off feet conditioning.

Side note: this is based on watt bike assessment and training sessions. You can apply the same principles to other conditioning equipment.

Step 1 - Complete baseline assessments

Rather than measuring maximal sprint speed (MSS) and maximal aerobic speed (MAS), for off feet conditioning you’re going to measure your peak power (PP) and maximal aerobic power (MAP) (De Jong, 2011). When you don’t use a baseline assessment, you don’t get adequate individualisation of sessions (Clarke et al. 2016).

To measure PP, you’re going to complete a 6 second peak power test on the watt bike. This is a max effort assessment, and once completed you’ll see your power on screen in watts.

To measure MAP, you’re going to complete a 5 minute time trial on the bike. The aim is to achieve the highest average watts possible over this period. Again, once complete, you’ll see your average power on screen in watts.

Step 2 - Determine your conditioning profile

Based on the work of Sandford et al. (2021), it’s possible to determine your locomotor profile when completing running based assessments. However when doing off feet conditioning, we can apply similar principles. The value of determining your conditioning profile is that your sessions, intensities and recoveries become far more individualised to your physiological needs and playing position (Clarke et al., 2016).

There are three main profiles:

  1. Speed profile: high peak power, but lower aerobic power (often forwards/goalkeepers)

  2. Endurance profile: lower peak power but high aerobic power (often defenders)

  3. Hybrid profile: mixture of the two (often midfielders)

There isn’t sufficient normative data on tests to provide clear benchmarks, but having completed these tests it should become clear which of the three categories you likely sit in.

Step 3 - Decide which type of intervals you should be completing

It is important to align the type of intervals that you do with your conditioning profile, to maximise your training gains. This isn’t to say that each profile should exclusively complete certain interval types, but the majority of your training should be matched to this.

The three profiles match up with the following interval types:

  1. Speed profile - short intervals such as 15 seconds on, 15 seconds off

  2. Endurance profile - long intervals such as 2 minutes on, 1 minute off

  3. Hybrid profile - both short and long intervals

At this stage, you know your profile and what type of intervals suit you. Next, we can individualise the intensities that you work at.

Step 4 - Use MAP to prescribe interval targets for your sessions

It’s really important to have individualised target times and distances, just as you would do for running conditioning. The following are some examples of how this might look, based on two different profiles.

A speed profile with a MAP of 300 watts and a peak power of 1200 watts may complete an interval session like the following. This is because they have a relatively higher peak power (PP) compared with their maximal aerobic power (MAP).

  • Type: Short intervals

  • Work: 15 seconds on @ 120% MAP (360 watts)

  • Rest: 15 seconds rest @ 50% MAP (150 watts)

  • Volume: 3 sets x 8 repetitions (3 minutes rest per set)

An endurance profile with a MAP of 425 watts and a peak power of 1000 watts may complete an interval session like the following. Again this is because their MAP is relatively higher than their PP, meaning they suit longer intervals.

  • Type: Long intervals

  • Work: 2 minutes on @ 95% MAP (403 watts)

  • Rest: 1 minute off @ 25% MAP (106 watts)

  • Volume: 5 sets in total

I hope that gives you some ideas for keeping fit over the winter without running on the pitch!


Bellenger, C.R., Fuller, J.T., Nelson, M.J. et al. (2015) Predicting maximal aerobic speed through set distance time-trials. Eur J Appl Physiol 115, 2593–2598.

Clarke, R., Dobson, A., & Hughes, J. (2016). Metabolic Conditioning: Field Tests to Determine a Training Velocity. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 38(1), 38 – 47

De Jong, Adam M.A., FACSM. Maximal Aerobic Power: An Important Clinical and Research Measurement. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal 15(6):p 43-45.

Jones B, Hamilton DK, Cooper CE. Muscle oxygen changes following Sprint Interval Cycling training in elite field hockey players. PLoS One. 2015 Mar 25;10(3):e0120338. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120338. PMID: 25807517; PMCID: PMC4373931.

Sandford GN, Laursen PB, Buchheit M. (2021) Anaerobic Speed/Power Reserve and Sport Performance: Scientific Basis, Current Applications and Future Directions. Sports Med. 51(10):2017-2028.

Stone NM, Kilding AE. Aerobic conditioning for team sport athletes. Sports Med. 2009; 39(8):615–42. doi: 10.2165/00007256-200939080-00002 PMID: 19769413

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Henry Davies
Henry is the founder of Integrate Sports. He is a UKSCA accredited practitioner with over 10 years’ experience working with high performing athletes. He has worked with Olympic medallists and prepared athletes for Tokyo 2020 in his role with the English Institute of Sport. Henry is a Lecturer in Strength and Conditioning at Hartpury University, and the Head of Strength and Conditioning at Hockey Wales.
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